Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Film That Among Other Things, Explains Those Boxy Looking Cars

What is the most aerodynamic shape for a car/van that also has maximum interior space?
Turns out is the Boxfish http://news.mongabay.com/2005/0710-DaimlerChrysler.html

This kind of thinking and design innovation is called Biomimetics or Biomimicry.

For a very entertaing introduction to this new path to product improvement and design, watch this documentary for free on the Web. "NatureTech, a multi award winning series, explores biomimetics – the science of looking to nature for answers to modern problems. Why are blossoms never dirty and can we also make our cars that way? Why can geckos walk on the ceiling and can we use their tricks to create better adhesives? Why is the spider’s web tougher than steel?

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